Senin, 30 April 2018

Is There A Comprehensive List of Alkaline Foods

Is There A Comprehensive List of Alkaline Foods

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When following an alkaline diet, most people want to know the foods that are alkaline and those which are acidic, to help them make the right food choices.

There are many books on the subject of an alkaline diet and alkaline foods but is there a definitive comprehensive list of alkaline foods?

Well, the simple answer is no...

There are many lists of alkaline foods, all varying from each other slightly, or majorly. This is because over the years and as research in the area of alkaline health has developed, the definitions of 'alkaline foods' have changed.

For example, one alkaline foods list may simply classify foods by their pH in whole physical form, as they are in the fridge. This is the way most people would view foods - whereby things such as lemons and limes are deemed acidic and milk, cheese and chicken are alkaline.

This seems reasonable and intuitive. However, it is an inaccurate way of looking at things as it takes no account of the impact which that food has on our own bodies.

We are looking to adopt a predominantly alkaline diet lifestyle in order to balance blood pH at its slightly alkaline set point, so we need to look at the effect a food has on the body, when consumed.

As it turns out, lemons and limes are found to be high alkaline foods in terms of their effect on the body and milk, cheese and chicken are acidifying.

Research from the early twentieth century until fairly recently classified acid and alkaline foods by being burnt and then measuring the pH of the resultant ash residue when dissolved in water (i.e. what is left after passing through the metabolism).

Later research, however, found that the ash residue in isolation was not the important factor but rather the chemical compounds that the food contributed to the body after it has been metabolised.

Our metabolic system is a marvellously complex and intricate system, so determining how acid or alkaline forming food is in this way is a slow and steady task, one that only now scientists are beginning to complete.

A food that is alkaline in its physical form can often have an acidifying effect on the body when consumed (and vice versa), so be mindful of this.

Here are some foods that universally appear on the 'alkaline foods list' - no matter when or who's compiled it...

Broccoli, spinach, rocket, lettuce, cucumber, avocado, kale, cabbage, lemons, limes, tomatoes, green beans, wheatgrass, barley grass, leeks, watercress, omega 3 oils.

Similarly, here are some universally classified acidic foods/drinks - no surprises here really:

Cakes, chocolate, fizzy drinks, burgers and other fast foods, ice cream, biscuits, donuts, deep fried foods, alcohol.

Is Orthognathic Surgery an Alternative to Braces

Is Orthognathic Surgery an Alternative to Braces

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Is Orthognathic Surgery an Alternative to Braces

If you suffer from a misaligned smile or bite (malocclusion), orthodontic treatments provide you with the opportunity to transform the way your teeth and jaw function and improve your self-confidence. Braces are the most common orthodontic treatment, as they can correct a full range of mild-to-severe alignment concerns that affect both your appearance and oral health. Invisalign is only appropriate for mild-to-moderate misalignment, and cannot treat bite disorders. Beyond braces and Invisalign, a treatment many people are unaware of is orthognathic surgery.
Its not exactly correct to think of orthognathic surgery as an alternative to braces, as its usually only recommended when malocclusion or jaw placement inhibits important jaw functions. For example, if your jaw doesnt open or close properly, this may make it hard for you to speak, chew, swallow, or breathe properly. Often patients will think their severe overbite is an appearance issue, when in truth it has been connected to their breathing problems for years.

You will never be recommended for orthognathic surgery for wanting a straighter smile, but it may be suggested if your jaw misalignment is severe. Patients who require orthognathic surgery frequently experience: (1) severe overbite, under bite, or cross bite, (2) an open bite, in which the teeth do not touch, (3)difficulty chewing or swallowing, (4) difficulty making the lips meet, (5) a protruding or receding jaw, or (6) a facial injury that causes changes to your chewing, speaking, and breathing patterns

Surgery for Severe Cases

For many patients, braces are an effective way to gradually realign your tooth alignment over a period of up to 24 months. In some cases, however, your doctor may recommend more immediate orthognathic surgery to address severe alignment and bite concerns that cannot be corrected with standard treatments. For patients whose jaws do not line up accurately, a proper bite may not be achievable with braces and/or other appliances, such as head gear. For these special patients, the orthodontist will work closely with a specialized oral surgeon to determine the best treatment plan, which may include surgery and braces.

Benefits of Surgical Orthodontics

While orthodontic surgery will dramatically improve your appearance, the benefits go well beyond the cosmetic. Correcting severe bite alignment problems with orthognathic surgery will help prevent painful conditions and improve your dental health and function.

Proper skeletal alignment of the jaw improves the way your bones and muscles work together when you chew and speak, and will reduce your chances of developing painful temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder symptoms. This condition can lead to chronic pain in the jaw, face, head and neck and can cause teeth grinding (bruxism) which wears down the enamel of the teeth, leaving them more vulnerable to cracking and tooth decay.

Proper jaw alignment through orthognathic surgery can also improve respiratory function by aligning your mouth for better airflow, especially when you sleep at night. Millions of Americans are affected by nighttime breathing disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and a properly aligned jaw may be able to treat or reduce your chances of developing this serious medical condition.

For Jaws That Have Finished Growing

This treatment is typically recommended for patients who have finished growing, so it is usually adults who benefit from the procedure. However, jaw growth is usually complete by age 16 for females and age 18 for males, so older teens may also be good candidates for orthognathic surgery, depending on the severity of the individual case. Orthognathic surgery may be performed on children of a younger age, but usually their conditions are identified earlier in childhood as related to other growth and anatomical dysfunctions. For most kids, surgery is not a valid option.

Dr. Chris Tye is an oral surgeon operating in Colleyville, TX. Visit Texas Oral Surgery Specialists to learn more about orthognathic surgery.

Is Love A Second Hand Emotion

Is Love A Second Hand Emotion

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By Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz "the marriage doctors"

Authors of the INDIE Book Awards Gold Medal Winner for Best Relationship Book of 2008 Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage Available at,,, and at Bookstores
Whats love got to do with it? Is love really a second hand emotion? A famous song focused on these notions. So whats the truth about love? Is it real or is it a second hand emotion?

The truth is, love is something very hard to define. Love is often times indescribable. And most certainly, love is NOT a second hand emotion. There is no question about it love is real! Love is something you feel. Love is something you know to be true even if you cant define it or describe it.

Over the years we have talked to thousands of people in love, about love. We have discovered the truths about How you know you are in love, The secrets of successful love, and How to sustain love. And through it all, we know these truths to be self-evident love is real, love is definable, and love is sustainable, often throughout a lifetime.

One of the icons of the entertainment business, Tina Turner, wrote a very popular song entitled, What's Love Got to Do with It? The lyrics of this St. Louis Walk of Fame inductee go like this:

You must understand that the touch of your hand makes my pulse react. That its only that thrill of boy meeting girl.

Opposites attract Its physical only logical you must try to ignore that it means more than that.

Oh, what's love got to do with it? What's love but a second hand emotion. What's love got to do with it? Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken?

It may seem to you that I'm acting confused. When you're close to me if I tend to look dazed I've read it someplace.

I've got cause to be. Theres a name for it. Theres a phrase for it. But whatever the reason you do it for me.

I've been thinking of a new direction. But I have to say, I've been thinking about my own protection. It scares me to feel that way.

What's love got to do with it? What's love but a sweet old fashioned notion? What's love got to do with it? Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken?

Tina had it right in many ways. Love can be scary. Love can be cruel. Love can, for sure, be something that confuses you. It can be, in the end, something that breaks your heart. All this is true, but heres where we part ways with Tinas lyrics even though love stands a chance of turning out badly and breaking your heart, to fall in love and to be in love is a risk in life that is well worth taking, irrespective of the chances of failure.

Frankly, it is natural to be afraid of falling in love. But to fall in love is something that is uniquely human. It is an emotion that often confuses people who think they are in love, but in the end, being in love is a wonderful emotion an emotion that is exhilarating to feel. And only humans can feel it!

Only a human heart can be broken. To truly be in love, however, is to take the chance that your heart might, in the end, be broken. But can you imagine what you lose by not taking the chance to fall in love?

Love is something you feel. Love is something you feel in your heart. And love is totally worth the risk. Love is NOT a second hand emotion; it is the most exhilarating emotion that all human beings will feel in their lifetime. Go for it!

Falling in love is so very human. When you feel it in your heart and in your soul, take the chance take the risk. Sure, your heart can be broken, but can you imagine going through life without loving another human being in the deepest and most intimate way?

Being in love is worth the risk. Love is NOT a second hand emotion!

Love well.

Author Information: Learn how you can find love and have a successful marriage using the advice of over 15,000 years of collective marital wisdom in the marrige doctors award winning book, Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage, available at Learn more:

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Is It Half Empty or Half Full A Guide to the Best Menstrual Cups

Is It Half Empty or Half Full A Guide to the Best Menstrual Cups

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Is It Half Empty or Half Full? A Guide to the Best Menstrual Cups

The Diva, the Keeper, Luna

Sounds like the cast of a new hit reality show right?


While these names incorporate a certain kind of reality, its definitely not as glamorous as TV.

They help women deal with the daily reality of their periods.

They are the names of the best menstrual cups on the market and this guide will help you find your perfect fit.

To Measure or Not to Measure?

Its a personal choice. Experts are divided on whether or not you physically need to measure your lady parts to find the best fit.

Most menstrual cups come with guidelines on finding the right size and shape for your body.

The majority of cups come in two sizes, small and large. Or size one and size two.

Some makers advise going by the amount of flow you expect while others use whether or not youve had a vaginal birth as their recommendation.

If youre someone who likes to take a more clinical approach, you can always ask your gynecologist if you have a high, medium or low cervix. You can then use the information on your cervixs position to determine what size cup will work best.

In the end finding the right fit may be a bit of trial and error.

Try reading some period cups reviews online to help you narrow down the best menstrual cups for you before you buy.

Finding the Right Firmness

Durable? Expansive? Medical-grade? Which level of firmness do you need in your reusable menstrual product?

Which level of firmness do you need in your reusable menstrual product? The answer is it depends on the strength and elasticity of your vaginal wall.

In order for the period cup to do its job, it has to be able to fully open once its placed inside.

A woman who regularly exercises may have stronger musculature and therefore needs a very firm menstrual cup to allow it to properly open after insertion.

Our recommendation for top-level firmness, the Diva Cup.

Whereas some women may find the medical-grade silicone to be too firm and be an uncomfortable fit.

For a lighter fit, try the Lunette Cup.

Much like traditional feminine products, the best menstrual cups should be easy to insert and take out while also keeping you and your clothing mess-free.

The other thing to note is your cup shouldnt be painful to wear. In fact, you shouldnt be able to feel the cup at all until its ready to be emptied.

The best menstrual cups come in a variety of firmness levels. Reviews and manufacturing product details are great sources to find each cups firmness level.

The Best Menstrual Cups are Easy to Care For

One of the biggest bonus of using a menstrual cup is you get to save money and the environment.

Most menstrual cups cost between $20 to $30 and rarely need to be replaced as long as they are washed and cleaned regularly.

Some companies suggest cleaning the cups with specialized washes but most agree this isnt really necessary. Unscented soap or body wash and hot water will keep your cup germ-free.

For an extra dose of sanitation, users suggest boiling the cups but be careful as some cups arent made to withstand that hot of a temperature.

We recommend the MoonCup for easy cleaning.

Armed with how to find your perfect menstrual cup fit, now is the perfect time to join in this transformative shift in feminine hygiene!

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Is It a B-Flat Trombone or a C Trombone

Is It a B-Flat Trombone or a C Trombone

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Is It a B-Flat Trombone or a C Trombone

(For the examples in this article, pitches are defined as middle C = C4.)

Do You Have to Transpose Music For a B-Flat Trombone? How Do Different Instruments Transpose?

So, What Is a B-Flat Tenor Trombone?

Most trombones are called "B-flat trombones" because they are built to play a B-flat when in first position. In other words, the fundamental of the horn is a B-flat.

Now, when a B-flat trumpet plays a note in open position (no valves pushed down), the note produced is also a B-flat. So B-flat trombones and B-flat trumpets read the same music right? Well, the answer is NO.

The B-flat trumpet reads music that is transposed to a different key and the trombone reads music that is NOT transposed.

Go To the Piano For the Answer

Think of it this way: A trombone player can read the bass clef of piano music and it will sound exactly the same as what the piano plays. All the notes sound the same. A piano player playing an "F" will sound the same note as a trombone player playing the same "F." The piano is what we call a non-transposing instrument, or in the key of "C."

A B-flat trombone and piano playing the note "F" will sound the same note: Example: F3

Here It Gets Tricky

Now, for the B-flat trumpet player, when they play an "F" an octave higher, and the piano player plays the same "F," what happens? The two notes will sound different! That is because music must be transposed for the B-flat trumpet to sound the same as other instruments that are in the key of C. B-flat trumpet music must be transposed UP A MAJOR SECOND to play along with instruments in the key of C.

A B-flat trumpet and piano playing this "F" will sound different notes! Example: F4

To sound the same note, the following pitches must be played: Piano Example: F4 B-flat trumpet Example: G4

Because B-flat trumpet music must be transposed UP A MAJOR SECOND to play the correct concert (key of C) pitches, it is therefore named "B-flat" trumpet, because the tones coming out are in the key of B-flat and not C.

The general rule for transposing instruments is to think of getting them to the key of C. For example, an instrument in the key of B-flat must be transposed UP A MAJOR SECOND to get to the key of C. (B-flat to C is a major second interval).

Here are other examples of how to transpose for various instruments:

D trumpet: transpose DOWN A MAJOR SECOND (to get to C)
E-flat trumpet: transpose DOWN A MINOR THIRD (to get to C)
E trumpet: transpose DOWN A MAJOR THIRD (to get to C)
C trumpet: no transposition needed (already in C)
B-flat trumpet: transpose UP A MAJOR SECOND (to get to C)
C Flute no transposition needed (already in C)
D-flat Piccolo transpose DOWN A MINOR SECOND (to get to C)
E-flat Alto Sax transpose UP A MAJOR SIXTH (to get to C)
F French Horn transpose UP A PERFECT FIFTH (to get to C)
G Flute (Alto Flute) transpose UP A PERFECT FOURTH (to get to C)

What Does That Have To Do With the B-Flat Trombone?

As you see above, music for the B-flat trumpet must be transposed to play with instruments in C. So, you might think that music for the B-flat tenor trombone must also transposedNO!

It's just the way the name has developed, that the B-flat tenor trombone does NOT need to have music transposed, even though the name might suggest it.

The "B-flat" in the name is really just a designation as to the key in which the trombone is built (the fundamental tone).

So, Why Not Call It a "C Trombone?"

That seems to make sense, but as time has a habit of solidifying names and this is the name we are left withB-flat tenor trombone. To add more confusion, there ARE some rare trombones made in C and these as you might guess, are built in the key of C. C is the fundamental note, then note played in first position. Again, these are RARE.

The Moral of the Story:

The B-flat tenor trombone is built in the key of B-flat and thus given its name. It is a non-transposing instrument along with other instruments in the key of Cthe C flute, oboe, bassoon, violin, for example. Don't confuse the B-flat trombone (non-transposing) with the B-flat instruments that ARE transposed, like the B-flat Clarinet, B-flat Trumpet, and B-flat Tenor Sax, for example.

Is Fiberglass As Strong As Metal

Is Fiberglass As Strong As Metal

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Is Fiberglass As Strong As Metal

This is a question that has many answers. The answers depend on which aspect of strength one is looking at. Most commonly, strength is viewed as force divided by area. We consider the stress test as a way to measure how much stress it takes to make an item made of metal, wood or other polymers to bend permanently.

This "Yield Strength" is how we measure beams and other metal item durability quotient. There is also "tensile strength"; this is the amount of stress required to break an object. Next is "Compressive strength" which is most commonly used to measure the strength of ceramics, glass and other brittle materials.

Metal has about an equal amount of strength in both compression and tension. In the debate, fiberglass VS metals, it boils down to toughness of the material. This too is subjective since it depends on the stressors being used or that will be used on the object being made. Fiberglass can have a very different sort of strength than metal.

It is true that pound for pound Fiberglass is stronger than most sheet metals. It also is better at staving off corrosion, since it will never be prone to rusting. Fiberglass is also a material that can be made to resist flames. There are very few designing restrictions for the use of fiberglass.

Fiberglass can easily molded into shapes, this means you get a solid construct. With metal you have to weld pieces together and this creates seams that can rust through with time.

Another feather in the fiberglass hat is that it does not conduct electricity and it is easier to receive and send radio waves through. It makes a great housing for electronics for this reason alone. It is also a great material for sound reduction. It absorbs sound waves and this is why it is regularly used for rooms where the noise levels get very high.

Metals, wood and plastic also react to the changes in temperature by expanding or contracting. This is another area that fiberglass has theme beat. It does neither. This makes it perfect for siding, although it is a bit heavier than aluminum. They are also more resistant to dents and dings than a sheet metal or aluminum wood is.

Now that you have a few of the facts you can decide where you stand with this debate. Each of them has their pluses and minuses and it really depends on the use you have planned for the material. Which is better, the better question is which is best for this project?

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Is a New Car a Bad Investment

Is a New Car a Bad Investment

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Is a New Car a Bad Investment

Nothing is quite like the excitement and feeling of buying a new car. But while the joy fades over time, the cost associated with that new car can linger for years to come. Few people know how much a car's value decreases as soon as you drive it off the dealer's lot. It's far better to save your money and invest it in something that appreciates in value like a mutual fund with a proven track record. With even low risk investing, you would be surprised at the opportunity lost by not redirecting that monthly amount into something that provides a return on your money.

First and foremost, a new vehicle loses value the second you drive it off the lot. So, for example, assume you just financed a vehicle for $30,000.00 over the next five years. In the first year of paying for that vehicle, it loses more than 20 percent of its value. In addition, you will pay a significant amount of interest on the amount financed. Over those five years you would pay $4,798.80 in interest alone at a 6 percent interest rate. Wouldn't you rather be earning that interest instead of paying it?

This is why it is important to think about the things that you invest in. Any asset that loses money faster than your ability to pay, it off is a bad investment. There are a lot of things that you could invest in that increase in value. Gold and silver prices are at an all-time high. There are stocks you could invest in, CDs, bonds and other opportunities you could discuss with a financial adviser.

Additionally, there are many alternatives to purchasing a new car. You can get that same new car feel from a car that has just come off lease. Many leased cars have extremely low mileage and minimal wear and tear. And you will be buying them at their greatly reduced depreciated value.

So, wouldn't it be wiser to use that same $30,000.00 to increase your net worth rather than to spend it on one feel good purchase? The decision, of course, is yours. However, it is important to think about financial investments and how they will help or hurt your financial situation. Before you make that decision, either way, here's a slightly different perspective for you to consider. A $439/month car payment over the course of 20 years, invested instead, with a rate of return of 10 percent a year, would give you $336,141.16 at the end of that time. In 30 years, that same investment amount would be worth $1,000,624.36.

Is a Hard Tail Frame Right for Your Motorcycle

Is a Hard Tail Frame Right for Your Motorcycle

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Is a Hard Tail Frame Right for Your Motorcycle

If you are considering building a custom bike, you'll need to determine whether to select a hard tail frame (also called a rigid frame), or a swing arm frame. Deciding on a frame is not to be taken lightly because there are some significant differences in the frame styles.

The hard tail frame is a single piece frame. The rear motorcycle wheel assembly attaches directly to the frame, as opposed to a soft tail frame which is made of two pieces of tubing connected at a pivot joint. That is the source of the nomenclature; the frame really does have a hard tail. The result is that there is no rear suspension to give that 'floating' feel to the ride.

Initially, all motorcycles were hard tails. The bent tubing frames allowed the rear hub to be attached through the one piece frame. That is still the way hard tails are put together today.

The Harley-Davidson Duo-Glide, released in 1958, gave riders the first option of purchasing a bike with rear suspension. Purists, however, still love the ride and feel of the hard tail frame.

Jesse James custom bike builder and owner of West Coast Chopper, in a recent documentary about the history or motorcycles, stated that he loves the hard tail ride because it allows the rider to truly become part of the road. There is no 'bounce' and the road vibrations are not absorbed by shocks, providing a hardcore sensation unlike the swing arm motorcycle frames.

Hard tail frames provide a somewhat rougher ride; people that experience back pain during long rides almost always avoid this frame style. Kidney-jarring jolts can result from hitting bumps. Yet in this modern day, most roads are relatively smooth.

Some people simply love the ride provided by the rigid hard tail frame. Others really hate the differences in ride. The bottom line is that you want to select the right frame for your motorcycle based on your personal needs, expectations, and planned use.

If you want a cross-country touring cycle, a hard tail may not the right choice be for you. If you want to build the ultimate custom show chopper, this frame style could be perfect for you. If you are young, have lots of stamina, are in great physical condition and don't mind a bit of kidney jolting, the hard frame is a viable option. However, if you want to ride from New York to California when you retire, most likely you'll be much happier riding a soft tail.

The choice of hard tail frame or soft tail frame is entirely a personal choice. Just remember, it takes a lot of work to change frames, so think through exactly what you expect from your motorcycle before making a decision about whether a hard tail frame is the best solution for your custom motorcycle.

Iron Ore Prices Drop as Steel Market Suffers

Iron Ore Prices Drop as Steel Market Suffers

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Iron Ore Prices Drop as Steel Market Suffers

June 15, 2009 The steel market has seen dramatic price reductions in the past few months. In this faltering economy, iron ore prices are alarmingly low compared to last year. Slashed steel prices have caused the top three steel producing companies, Vale of Brazil, BHP Billiton of Australia and Brazil, and Rio Tinto of Australia, to make some serious changes.

Announced last week, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton merged to form a single steel producing super-giant. They signed a non-binding contract on June 9 to solidify their production joint venture. Splitting their assets fifty-fifty, Rio Tino comments, "The joint venture will encompass all current and future Western and Australian iron ore assets and liabilities."

However, not everyone is a fan of this consolidation. On Tuesday, the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) stated their opposition on their web page. "The joint venture agreement has a strong monopolistic color and Chinese steel mills will resolutely oppose the agreement." China is hugely impacted by this joint venture, due to the fact that they are Australia's leading buyer of iron ore. Since 2000, China has been responsible for 70 percent of steel growth rates and consume half of the global iron ore output.

Iron ore prices initially began dropping earlier this year. In May, Rio Tinto reported cutting sales by one-third by request of Japanese steel mills. Chinese mills were asking for a 50 percent cut, which was eventually negotiated to 37 percent.

Australia, where a majority of our iron ore is produced, reported a 91 million dollar deficit in April. This was the first deficit recorded in nine months. Despite this, Australia's economy still grew 0.4 percent, much higher than the predicted 0.1 percent.

While iron ore prices have not changed dramatically, thermal coal sales hit a high of $192/ton in July of last year, and have now plummeted to $68.1/ton.

So how will all this affect you, the consumer? With the construction and automotive industries already in distress, GM and Chrysler workers may expect a few more layoffs in the near future. Prices of construction may rise, and jobs may be lost. Refrigerators, toasters, and other such appliances may begin to fluctuate in price.

Now, more than ever, finding the right steel supplier is crucial. Capital Steel and Wire, located in East Lansing, MI, promises honest dealings and an "old-fashion," friendly approach. Capital Steel supplies steel bars, wire rod and steel rods. With a wide knowledge of the global steel industry, they can help you to understand what is happening in the world of metal, so that you may make the best decision for you.

To learn more, you can reach Capital Steel by web at

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Introducing New Partner Too Fast, Too Soon

Introducing New Partner Too Fast, Too Soon

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Even though a spouse may have contemplated separation for years prior to informing their partner, to the partner, the news comes as a shock, even in view of a tumultuous relationship. For the children, the shock is often even greater.

To intensify matters befalling the children, the spouse who is emotionally further along the separation process may already have or may soon have a new significant other. If the relationship to that significant other developed prior to separation, the likelihood of the children taking to that person will be remarkably diminished. If the relationship comes after the separation, but before the child has an opportunity to emotionally and psychologically adjust, the likelihood of the child taking to the new person is also quite diminished.

A parent may view the separation as an event, but to the child, the separation is a process. A childs mourning and grieving the loss of their parents marriage typically takes months to years. The process is similar to the adjustment of a death and include; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

The child cannot believe the change in circumstance. It confronts their belief that they lived in and would continue to live in an intact family. This is true even in cases where a child is worried about their parents marriage. Worry does not equal a desire for a parental separation even if they tell you so. Worry generally means they want the parents to improve and stabilize their marriage.

When it becomes increasingly apparent that the marriage will not or is not surviving, the child feels emotionally betrayed and is hurt and angry. This may be expressed directly to a parent, or indirectly though a change in behaviour. As the child sorts out their anger, he or she may next seek to improve the parental relationship with the secret view of helping them reconcile. The childs attempts may only be in their own head by harbouring thoughts, or by action whereby they make attempts to alter parents or their very own behaviour as a strategy for reunification. As their attempts are unsuccessful, the child feels thwarted, impotent and unempowered. The gravity of the situation weighs in as well as their sense of personal futility to help their parents. The child is thus depressed. Sometime thereafter, they come to accept the change in family status and are amenable to moving on. They complete their psychological and emotional adjustment.

Introducing a new partner prior to the childs adjustment causes the child to recoil against the new partner. The new partner is seen as a threat to the childs secret wish for the parents to reunite. To intensify matters, the degree to which the new partner is thrust upon the child, the greater the childs recoil and resentment. Thus while the parent cannot understand why their child wont accept or acts mean spiritedly to the new partner, the child is simply coping with an assault to their adjustment process. The child is not far enough along the adjustment process to tolerate the introduction of any new partner, regardless of the qualities that partner brings.

Demands for the childs respect or obedience to the new partner only makes matters worse and runs the risk of a life-long fracture, not only between child and potential stepparent, but between the child and that parent.

To minimize the risk of these conflicts, parents are advised to wait to form new relationships until after the child has adjusted, easily over a year post-separation. If a new relationship has been formed prior to the childs adjustment, expect the child to take at least a year to several, before the child is fully able to accept this new person. Resist early introductions to be sure the new relationship is in fact stable and ongoing. Resist cohabiting within the first year to minimize the risk of the child feeling overwhelmed and confronted by the change. The new person should also resist assuming a parental role until the child has adjusted to the parental separation.

If you have already gone too fast, too soon, you may be dealing with the fallout. Slow down and back off. Forcing a relationship likely didnt work for your first marriage; so dont expect it to work for your new partner and your child. Adjustment takes time.

Installing Gps Trackers

Installing Gps Trackers

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Many businesses need to keep track of their employees and their fleet and they spend a lot of time and money into monitoring them. The good news is that fleet tracking is possible, and it brings many advantages in discussion. GPS trackers help in many situations, they can be installed easily and there are many devices to choose from, having all sorts of features.
It is frustrating for both drivers and callers to always being asked about their location and how much they have left until they reach their destination. A lot of time can be saved thanks to fleet tracking, as employers can see drivers on the map, in real-time. They can see where the driver stopped, for how long, if they are arriving in time and such. Customers can also be notified when the shipment is going to arrive, as the office staff sees the fleet and can easily calculate how more they have until they reach them. In the unfortunate case of something going own, the vehicle breaks down or such, assistance will reach the driver faster, as the location is easily spotted.
Drivers safety always comes first, and it happens in many cases to drive during bad weather, for example. If a long period of time goes by and the driver is not responding, using GPS trackers their location is established, and calls are responded without any issues. Ever employee appreciates when they know they are taken care of and that they are able to get help when needed. It might seem for many that trackers follow them up everywhere and monitor all their moves, but in fact, it is for their own good. In case the vehicle is stolen, its location is easily detectable thanks to the tracker and the business representatives or the police can recover it quickly.
Another important aspect is regarding the insurance companies and the costs involved. Insurance premium discounts are offered to companies and individuals that have a vehicle GPS tracker, as they know the benefits involved and appreciate the effort of taking extra safety measures. The tracker is connected to other devices, such as mobile phones and laptops. This means that notifications are sent when something takes place. There can be cases when vehicles are moved by drivers without permission or when they get stolen. With a quick SMS or email, actions are taken, and you know exactly what happens at every step.
Reports are given to employers regarding kilometers travelled each day, travel hours, speeding, how many stops have been taken, total distance and such. Using all this information, it is a lot easier to keep track of every employee and to rely on data, not just on what is filled personally in reports. Such data comes in handy for determining how used a vehicle is, if repairs are needed, inspections have to be done and such.
Are you interested in the idea of installing fleet tracking ( devices? You have come to the right place, as this experienced provider offers the best GPS trackers (

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Information About Dodge Truck and Backup Camera

Information About Dodge Truck and Backup Camera

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Information About Dodge Truck and Backup Camera

Why should we be installing rear brakes for a dodge truck? Well, you would have already heard about the fact that is one of the essential things in dodge truck. But, until you learn the actual thing behind this act, you would be staying there as a newbie that knows very little about automobiles. Here we'll be teaching you how to install and change the rear brakes of your dodge truck.
Different people adopt different methods for changing and replacing the rear brakes of their trucks. If you don't want to make your hands wet, you can simply take the truck to a service center and they will be taking care of the rest of the things.

If you take your dodge truck to a service center for do its maintenance, you wont be learning the steps of tackling the different things yourselves. You will be finding a service manager in every service center. You should be contacting this person for inquiring about things related to the maintenance of your dodge truck. If you are unsure about something while replacing the rear breaks yourselves, you must be consulting the service manager for clearing your doubts.

If you are conscious about the security of your car, you would know what all options are there that you would be able to do for providing security to your car. Installing backup camera is a good option and it is something which you should be considering if you are thinking of providing an extra layer or protection to your cool car. By employing such a camera on your car, you can easily get rid of a lot of accident possibilities. While you drive backwards using your car, you would be getting alerts from the camera if you need to stop and wait a bit to avoid an accident.

You can employ a backup camera even in your dodge truck. The sooner you employ one, the better it would be. If you are thinking of installing one yourself, you should be making sure you are with the right kind of tool sets. The tools wont be costing you much. You can even borrow those tools from your friends, if you don't have them with you. On the other hand, if you are thinking of seeking the help of a service center, you would be most probably wasting some money from your pockets.

Brakes are very important part of a vehicle and keen attention is required when working with them. You can learn how to install rear brakes on dodge truck yourself. Backup cameras are very important when it comes to auto security. You can find many guides to how to install a backup camera in car.

Increase Your Cars Resale Value With These 6 Tips

Increase Your Cars Resale Value With These 6 Tips

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Increase Your Cars Resale Value With These 6 Tips

Whenever you are selling something you are afraid of not getting a good return on money invested. When it comes to selling cars we are usually aware of the faults the vehicle may have. We are dreading the ones that we havent noticed and the buyer may. Ill go ahead and assume that you are selling something which is drivable and is not going to be sold for parts. Here are a couple of tips on how you can reach the desired price.

Get rid of the guilt

Sit down and think of everything you would have repaired on your car if you were not selling it and if you are to go on a road trip. Every single time I am selling something, I have the feeling of guilt inside and I have to list all that may be wrong with it that I am aware of. Since everyone is hoping to strike a good deal, you going on about repairs will turn the buyers away, or lower the price significantly. Have your car checked up, repaired and tweaked before you advertise it, that way you will have nothing to hide and nothing to report.

Make a good first impression

The greatest part of the opinion about your car will be created within the first couple of moments. This is when an agent will have the first idea on how much they can offer you for the car, or when a buyer will decide whether they may be interested in it. Have a look at the body shell and locate any scratches, dents or signs of corrosion. It may be a good idea to hire a professional to estimate the expense of fixing it, but regardless of the cost, it will always cost you less than what the person negotiating the price will think it costs. They will have you lower the price even if the body state does not actually bother them and they never intend on having it fixed themselves. Be wise, accept the cost and make the outside of your car look as shiny as it can be.

Offer them a clear view

This is something noticeable from both inside and outside. Check your windows, rare view mirrors and windshield for cracks and have them replaced. In order to spend less, you can try to find appropriate used-ones and pay someone to have them installed. Every local auto service center will be able to assist you in getting new parts, be it new ones or used ones.

Think of the interior

Inside of the car is where a new owner will spend most of their time. When they decide to take the car for a test ride, they will also notice the state of the interior and the comfortableness. Think about cleaning and painting the dashboard, replace the seat covers and the mats, and thoroughly clean the rest of the upholstery. Have it shine both on the inside and the outside. If you want to appeal to all senses, get a new air freshener.

New shoes

Check the shoes on your ride. Inspect the tires and think about replacing them unless you had it done recently. Again, this is one of the expenses that most buyers will think of as additional, and you can treat them with a perk of having it already done for them and include it in the price. Polish the wheels and spray the tires for that shiny black look to match the exterior of your car and look like its fresh from a store.

Have everything in writing

People are naturally skeptical when dealing with strangers and even more so when they are purchasing used goods. As much as they would like to believe you that you took good care of your car, they will take it with reserve unless you have something to show for it. Keep maintenance records for your car and if you havent done it so far, visit your mechanic and see if they can issue you with a proof of regular upkeep. This will encourage a potential buyer to trust you and thus have a better feeling about you and consequently your car

Keep in mind that you are the one speaking for your car when selling it. Try to leave an impression of someone who knows what they are talking about and are certain of the cars general state. Be confident, dont look desperate and have a ready answer if they question your decision to sell such a good car.

Importance Of Hiring A Digital Printer And Tips You Can Follow When Designing Your Vehicle Wraps In West Palm Beach

Importance Of Hiring

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Importance Of Hiring A Digital Printer And Tips You Can Follow When Designing Your Vehicle Wraps In West Palm Beach

Why You Need A Digital Printer In West Palm Beach

If you are running a business in West Palm Beach, you may need help with printing any brochures and fliers that your business would need to market its products. For this purpose you need need to hire a reputed digital printing company. Digital printing is very useful in effectively marketing your products and your business to the local community.
Hiring a digital printer can be very advantageous for your business. One of the main reasons why you need a digital printing company is that you need a large quantity of printed media for marketing your business. Hiring a good printing company will allow you to get high quality digital printing from the company. They also have the equipment needed for successfully completing the jobs. But if you were to do this in-house, you would not have the equipment that is require.

Another reason that you should hire a printing company is that you can get specialized services from the company. There are different printing companies that specialize in various different fields. So by hiring a specialized printing company you can get high quality printed media such as vehicle wraps, brochures, fliers and also cups and t-shirts for promoting your business.

Tips To Follow While Designing When Vehicle Wraps Digital Printing In West Palm Beach

Vehicle wraps are a great way of promoting your business. You are able to market your business to a large number of people in West Palm Beach when you have vehicle wraps on your company vehicle. To get the most out of a vehicle wrap you should have a great design. There are a few things that make a vehicle wrap more successful. So here are a few tips that you should follow when you are designing vehicle wraps for vehicle wraps digital printing.

Keep It Simple Something that many business do wrong when designing a vehicle wrap is that they add too much details to it. This can work against the vehicle wrap. When designing the vehicle wrap, use only the require information and leave the wording to a minimum.
Use Bold Fonts While having only the required information it gives you room to use large bold fonts. This can help your potential customer read what is on your vehicle wrap with ease and also from a further distance. This really helps make the vehicle wrap more effective.
Use Bright Colors Another way that you can create an effective design for your vehicle wrap is by using bright colors. This will attract peoples eyes to your vehicle wrap. Colors such as yellow and red a great colors that are know to attract the eyes of people.

Rabu, 25 April 2018

I Drive Safely Review - Providing Online Courses for Driver Education.

I Drive Safely Review - Providing Online Courses for Driver Education.

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I Drive Safely Review - Providing Online Courses for Driver Education.

I Drive Safely are pioneers in online driver training and education programs with over 10 years experience and claim to have successfully graduated more than 1,500,000 safe and responsible drivers and the first thing I noticed while carrying out the I Drive Safely review was their professional looking website and approach towards online education. The commitment they have to quality has given them a reputation for providing excellent courses, outstanding service and innovations in technologies, they have a membership in the Better Business Bureau and have an A+ rating, which will assure you of their professional service, reliability and great customer support.

The online programs from the I Drive Safely review:

1. Teen Driver Education (driver ed)
2. Traffic School - Ticket Dismissal
3. DMV Sample Test Packages
4. Corporate / Fleet Driver Training
5. Mature / Senior Driver Improvement
6. Defensive Driving Course
7. Insurance Reduction Course

The site and courses are very easy to navigate, even if you're not good with computers. The courses are not hard to understand and can be taken from anywhere that has the Internet. The I Drive Safely Program has a memory feature that allows you to return to the same spot you left your lesson so that you can complete a course on your own time. All the courses that you need to effectively learn how to drive are available at I Drive Safely, everything from learner's courses to lessons on senior insurance discounts. I Drive Safely review their staff and has developed a team of experts that have come up with courses and use proven teaching techniques that use a variety of learning methods. This allows you to learn more information and retain it for a longer time period because it has been broken down into a number of specific chapters allowing you to learn about one subject at a time.

Site features and support:

1. 100% money-back guarantee
2. US based 24/7 customer support team
3. You don't have to know much about computers
4. Live chat
5. There are no downloads or extra software to purchase
6. Study from the comfort of your own home
7. Fixed price cost - no hidden fees
8. Parent's resources area

The only thing I didn't like during the I Drive Safely review was the system for tracking was too good. As I selected a State and moved to look at a different course, the same State page loaded automatically, which required me to enter the homepage to change it. Thus it provides a valuable format for information of the relevant State directly without any delay, which is good news for the student.

As for the written material, it delivers the information in a logical manner so you can learn exactly what you need to learn and nothing more, as the text will be easy to read and understand. The thing I like the most is the teaching method. Using visual aids, such as animation and short films, really helps the information sink in. This will help you to remember all that you have read, and more importantly, when you are being tested on the information and later driving, you can remember the lesson, it will help all things make a lot more sense.

The I Drive safely online courses let you go back and review any topic or lesson you want and you can do it over and over again until you feel like you understand it, this makes it distinct from classroom settings where you either pick it up first time or not at all. If you are a teenager and you want your parents to purchase this course for you, you should let them know that the online defensive driving program on I Drive Safely is known to reduce both traffic violations and collisions.

It's straightforward to take, handy and best of all it gives great confidence to pass driving tests and be a much improved and safe driver, so this is the final word on the I Drive Safely review.

To discover more on the I Drive Safely review along with driving tips and info, plus reviews of the best online driving course and products, read more from Dave Treadstone at Driving Test Training.

Hyundai i20 is very roomy and spacious hatchback car.

Hyundai i20 is very roomy and spacious hatchback car.

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Hyundai i20 is very roomy and spacious hatchback car.

The Hyundai i20 was launched by its producers in the year 2008. It is a tremendous compact car and it matches between the i10 and i30 made by Hyundai. The car is an entrance wheeler and is available in five and three door variations, relying on the demand by the customer. The Hyundai i20 is manufactured and assembled in Turkey and in Chennai, for the European and the Indian/Asian market respectively. The Hyundai i20 is accessible is 2 options, the Sportz and the Era. The car is available in each petrol and diesel. It has varied in constructed features which aren't current in some other mini automotive in the market, reminiscent of USB port within the stereo system, a totally automatic temperature control for the air conditioning system, passenger vainness mirror, theft alarm and audio controls mounted on the steering wheel. One other characteristic that differentiates it from all the other mini cars present out there is its 6 gear manual transmission.

The Hyundai i20 has a very fashionable outlook, which although is quite contemporary but at the same time could be very elegant and sophisticated too. Its lavish exterior as well as comfortable interior makes it the most demanding automotive within the Indian and European market. Its value range is Rs. 4,60,000 to Rs. 8,00,000. This huge hole is due to the truth that the Hyundai i20 is available in numerous model and variants, resembling Period Petrol, Sportz Petrol, Magna, Asta Petrol, Asta Diesel and all of those cars additionally include an elective sunroof too. Talking first in regards to the front of the automotive, there is a low slung grille, with sporty head lamps and enormous round fog lamps. The grille has a chrome end which gives the automotive a very sleek look. The again of the automotive could be very upright, providing enough area for luggage. The fog lamps are multi reflector and the big head lamps present a clearer vision and ease of driving. There's a vast air dam current in the entrance of the car which not only enhance its look but in addition provides a cooling effect to the car on the identical time, bettering the air con system. The rims of the automobile are made out of alloy and the physique coloured rear view mirrors and door handles give the car a very posh look. Indicators are additionally current on the perimeters of the rear view mirrors, which is a part of its modern design.

The interior of the automobile could be very roomy and spacious and it not only improves the consolation aspect but also the aesthetical influence of the car on the customer. The inside of the car, is 2 toned in beige which not only take away monotony but in addition provides it a three-dimensional effect. There's a cooling blue LED current contained in the automobile, which supplies the passengers with a soothing effect. The metallic centre of the car, additionally provides a very modern and complicated overall look. The steering wheel is powered and has leather-based masking over it which is long lasting. Different options embrace a sun roof, which provides to the wonder, also USB and aux ports are current in the stereo together with multi data display and automated temperature control. Storage in the automobile is fairly first rate along with adjustable seats and dimming lamp on the roof, which all increase the consolation stage the automotive provides.

Hyundai i10 Car with extra aggressive look.

Hyundai i10 Car with extra aggressive look.

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Hyundai i10 Car with extra aggressive look.

The Hyundai i10 is a 5 door car manufactured by the Hyundai Motor Company. It was launched virtually four years ago, again in 2007 when the Korean firm determined to revolutionize its variety and vary of product offerings. It is thought-about to be the smallest automotive out of the lot, nonetheless, gaining massive reputation through the years resulting in upward pattern within the sales chart. After their automobile Santro reached a stoop in its life cycle stage, Hyundai needed to come up with a replacement, by launching Hyundai i10. Talking about its exterior form, the automobile has head lamps that are pulled again, a chrome grill for defense, fog lamps and the behind the car, there is a chrome handle for the boot launch and a roof spoiler. Now coming to the inside of the automotive, with large plastic dashboard to keep all of your necessary things in and an non-obligatory stereo system, the automobile gives quite some worth for its money. Also there's a large display of speedometer, fairly easy to learn together with a tachometer, and gas and temperature shows as well. The gear is placed within the centre, leaving ample space round it for cup holders.

Now in September 2010, Hyundai introduced an upgraded version of the i10, giving it a facelift. Introducing an automotive with enhanced outlook and up to date options, the new Hyundai i10 was launched to boost the sales. Speaking concerning the improved exteriors first, within the centre of the entrance was a brand new chrome grill with intricate chrome details. New headlamps and multi reflector fog lamps were also introduced. The brand new Hyundai i10 was seen supporting a more aggressive look, when the designers determined to play around with the shape of the bumpers. Moreover, a micro antenna for clear radio reception was additionally added, with body coloured hand doorways and facet indicator lights on the rear view mirrors, all being added to provide it a more contemporary look. At the back of the car, elongated again lights had been launched with a bold again bumper and bumper reflectors. As you possibly can see many changes had been made to the outside of the automotive to boost its outlook.

Coming to the inside of the automobile, the new Hyundai i10 has two toned interiors; beige and brown, both complimenting colors. To offer it more elegant, sophisticated look chrome and steel colours have been added to the interiors. Other options being added have been chrome coloured centre, new instrumental meters and blue illumination within the meters. This was all added to give this first rate priced automobile, an extra luxurious appeal. Apart from this to holding up to date with the technology, Bluetooth connectivity, digital gas indicator, gear shift indicator and audio controls mounted on the steering wheel were also introduced. The brand new Hyundai i10 is available in petrol, diesel and electric engines. Critics have given combined critiques relating to this car. Talking first about its plus factors, the automotive is claimed to supply astonishing value for its money, also it is very atmosphere pleasant since the new electrical car being launched gives out nearly zero emissions and lastly as a consequence of all the new options being launched the automobile offers extra interior space. The drawbacks of this car are that, all the plastic might present a really cheap look and the small engine in this small car might not give great efficiency as compared to other cars.

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Hydraulic Jacks - Construction And Working

Hydraulic Jacks - Construction And Working

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Hydraulic Jacks - Construction And Working

A jack is a mechanical device which uses a screw thread or a hydraulic cylinder to lift heavy loads or apply great linear forces. The most common forms of jacks available in the market are Scissor car jacks, House jacks, Hydraulic jacks, Pneumatic jacks and Strand jacks that are extensively used in Construction, Industrial, Automobile and Engineering segments.

In most of the powerful jacks, hydraulic power is used to provide more lift over greater distances. Mechanical jacks usually have lifting capacity ranging from 1.5 tons to 3 tons. Hydraulic jacks are mechanical devices used to lift heavy loads, vehicles, weight equipment or apply great forces using hydraulic fluid as the main source of power. These are widely used in automotive, industrial and construction industries. These are sturdy in construction, compact in size, portable and capable of exerting great forces.

It consist of two cylinders of different sizes which are connected together by a pipe and a hydraulic fluid or oil. The hydraulic fluid is incompressible and using a pump plunger is forced into the cylinder of the jack. Oil is used because of its stable and self lubricating nature. When the plunger pulls back, oil is drawn out of the reservoir and it goes inside the pump chamber. When the plunger moves forward, the oil is pushed back into the cylinder. This oil movement builds up pressure in the cylinder. And it is this pressure which leads to the working of the hydraulic jack. It also find usage in workshops and also lift elevators in low and medium rise buildings.

These can be segmented into two types: Bottle Hydraulic Jack and Floor Hydraulic Jack. Bottle are portable in design; in these the piston is in a vertical position and it supports a bearing pad which touches the object being lifted. Bottle Hydraulic are most appropriate for lifting vehicles (cars, trucks, SUVs, trailers), houses and other heavy objects. In a Floor Jacks, the piston is in a horizontal piston and there is a long arm which provide the vertical motion to a lifting pad. There are wheels and castors in floor jacks.

The working principle of all hydraulic jacks is common but these differ in their shapes and sizes. Hydraulic jacks with varied sizes and specifications are used to lift different types of heavy equipment and vehicles such as bulldozers, forklifts, elevators, trolleys & trailers and excavators. These can also be found in household equipments as well like door stoppers, cars, bikes etc. Hydraulic Jacks are high in demand across the globe owing to their sturdy construction, reliable & hassle free operation, unparalleled performance, user-friendly design and less maintenance.

How Your Down Payment on a Car Can Equal Massive Dealer Profits

How Your Down Payment on a Car Can Equal Massive Dealer Profits

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How Your Down Payment on a Car Can Equal Massive Dealer Profits

Using a larger down payment on a car purchase can lead to substantially more profit for the car dealership.

Sure there are benefits to buying a car and using a large down payment, but if you skip this car buying advice, then all those benefits belong to the dealership and you'll be left paying for this mistake month after month for years to come...Here's an example:

There you are sitting at the car salesmans desk negotiating your new car deal. The salesman is busy promoting the idea of using a larger car down payment in order to:

*lower your monthly payment
*prevent less negative equity
*pay less in finance charges
*finance for a shorter term, etc.

All of this is true, but their real motivation is to make more money.

The additional gross profit a dealership makes by getting a larger down payment from you all comes down to how lenders lend.

Let's say a car dealership has a vehicle for sale for $15,000 and that vehicle has a wholesale value of $10,000. A typical auto lender, for average credit, is going to lend up to 115% of the wholesale value of the vehicle.

So in this example the lender would be willing to loan $11,500 against the value of the vehicle (I will leave taxes and other fees out of this to simplify this example) , and the dealer would have to get a $3,500 down payment from you in order to keep the "deal in-line."

If you had a $0 down payment, the only way the car dealership could get the loan approved would be to lower the sale price to $11,500. I think we all know that the dealership doesn't want to do that, because it's an instant loss of $3500 in gross profit.

This is why car salesman are so aggressive when it comes to your down payment on a car purchase, because they get paid off the gross profit.

That being said, there are situations where large money down is necessary. If, for instance, you have a lot of negative equity, you'll need to pony up some money to get the "deal in-line" with the lenders guidelines. You'd also need money down if you have major credit problems. The lender will typically want to see a minimum commitment from you, of 10%, or in some cases a flat $1500.

So the next time your sitting with a car salesman and they're explaining the benefits of additional down payment, it's probably only benefitting them and the dealership. I'd suggest getting off the down payment issue and work on the dealership lowering the sales price by $3500. Once the sales price is acceptable to you, then you can talk money down.

There are lots of other tips and tricks you can use to save money when buying a vehicle, but this one is by far the least talked about; although, it's one of the easiest for customers, that don't like to negotiate, to use to realize immediate savings.

All that being said, I do believe in giving a down payment on a car equivalent to, or greater than, your tax, title and license fees. This is to avoid paying additional finance charges on those fees. I'd negotiate with the zero down approach out the gate, and work on getting that sales price down.

How You Can Get Anything You Want In Life In 68 Seconds

How You Can Get Anything You Want In Life In 68 Seconds

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How You Can Get Anything You Want In Life In 68 Seconds

Let's keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?

More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not? Physicality.

Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? Happy? Fulfilled? Whatever the reason is, it so that you can feel good, feel free, and experience satisfaction of some kind. It is to enjoy your self one way or the other. Feeling.

So how do you get whatever it is that you want in your life, easily? Here is the formula for all creation of one's reality. And trust me; it is as easy as you make it to be. If you complicate it, it gets complicated to that degree. If you keep it as simple as it is, it becomes a seeming miracle, simple yet profoundly powerful, a sign of mastery.

And now, the formula:

Step 1: Ask

How do you ask and who do you ask it to? You don't have to address your asking to anything or anyone or any deity. The asking is simply your desire and how you feel about it. It is automatic and natural. All you have to do is to be clear on what you want, as clear as you can be. Don't bother about how you will achieve your desire - the way will show up step by step automatically. Just be clear only on the end result, not necessarily on the way to get there. What is the end result you desire, exactly? Imagine it has already happened.

Also, forget about what you don't want. Here is why: whatever you are putting your attention on is what is being asked for. Where your attention is indicates what it is you are asking. How it is that you are feeling indicates what it is that you are asking. Your attention and feeling will show you, predictably, what it is you are creating in the future and how it will feel like when you get it.

Step 2: The Universe Answers

At conception, we are all 90% water. You probably know how to have sex. But do you know how to put together a baby from water and all the other elements of nature? No! no scientist in this world today can go grab some water and so on, and put together babies. Yet we make them without knowing how!

Here is the magic of the universe. The universe is always expanding, always and in all ways. Eternity and infinity. It expands as a function of answering all the desires of all parts of it (even your individual cells ask through their natural preferences for health, nutrition, bliss, and so on).

Did you know that there are many Nobel Laureate quantum physicists that have proven without doubt that the act of observing is what creates that which is being observed? In other words, without doubt, you see what you believe. You create your reality. What you intend to observe is what the universe creates in your experience.

This has been proven by quantum physicists many times over the last few decades. If you would like to explore this in more detail, have a look at the eBook A Happy Pocket Full of Money from

Literally, scientifically, the universe creates your desire. It handles the "how". So the more you let go and allow life to unfold as it does, the faster you let creation happen for you. Let go of the how, so that you can allow it to come to you in the fastest way possible, including ways you would never have thought about. If you insist on the how, you block other pathways and possibilities. Also, let go of the need, of the anxiety, insecurity, shame, guilt, or whatever, because these feelings only create. Let go internally and externally.

Step 3: Receive

This is the final step and the one that most people seem to mess up. You must receive. Reception is very much like the way a radio receives its channels. It tunes into the channel. The radio must match itself to the broadcast frequency for you to receive any music from it.

In the same way, you must match yourself to that which you asked for so that you may see it appear in your life and experience it. This is the key. And there are two parts to it:

First and most importantly, match your feelings. How would it feel to have that which you asked for? Feel that now. How would it feel to drive that amazing car or have that amazing partner or that amazing business? Feel that now. Feel good. When you feel fear, anxiety, despair, and so on, you are not in alignment.

Secondly, act on inspiration and "coincidences". You will notice opportunities cropping up in your days. Take them. If you meet someone who somehow mentions something to do with what you are seeking, follow that clue. If you feel the urge to make a phone call or visit a place, do that. It may take one step or a thousand, and you won't always know how far down the road you have come, but you are guaranteed to get there if you keep taking one step at a time.

So what is the 68 seconds all about? Well, we now know that if you hold a thought for 68 seconds, it begins to materialize into form. It is that simple.

The materials of Abraham by Jerry and Ester Hicks also expand on this simple formula, for those of you who wish to investigate it further. The eBook A Happy Pocket Full of Money from goes into the actual way that the universe goes about creating your reality and more.

Life is a miracle. When you are not experiencing miracles, you are probably struggling up the hard way to get things done. Share this knowledge with others and talk about it; grow it within your friends. As you do, test it. Test it over and over again in all areas of your life, perhaps with the small things first. And as you do, you will notice more evidence of it, and as you practice you will become better at using it and creating a life of miracles as the norm. Forward this article to as many people as you can, then invite them to a discussion. The fastest way to grow in this wisdom is to create your own mastermind of miracles!

Senin, 23 April 2018

How Vitamins Can Help Your Asthma

How Vitamins Can Help Your Asthma

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How Vitamins Can Help Your Asthma

More than 10 million American's throughout the United States suffer from asthma. Asthma is very common, with doctors considering it to be a new epidemic. Most Americans who suffer from asthma blame it on environmental pollution, along with the increasing exposure of toxic chemicals throughout the air. Deaths that result from asthma are on the rise, due to those who have it not recognizing the early warning signs.

The condition of asthma causes the airways in the lungs to swell, throw out thick mucus, and over time spasm. The swelling that takes place will make the airways smaller, making it difficult to breathe. The first attack from asthma that you experience may include congestion, pain, wheezing, a shortness of breath, dryness in the mouth, coughing, and a feeling as if you have a fever.

Contrary to what you may think, just about anything can result in asthma. The more common triggers of it include allergies, an upper respiratory infection, stress, over exertion in exercise, or even the lack of a proper diet. Out of all the triggers, allergies tends to be the most common.

In most cases, asthma attacks are the result of exposure to things such as smoke, pollen, gas odors, and even automotive exhaust. Foods can also trigger attacks as well, such as peanuts, corn, chocolate, and almost all dairy products. If you take any type of antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones, it may prompt asthma. Asthma is a serious and somewhat annoying condition, one that millions of us face on a daily basis.

There are several mineral, vitamin, and herbal supplements that you can take to treat asthma. Among all that you can take, vitamin B is among the most important. Vitamin B maintains a biochemical balance in the body and it can also reduce the severity of the attacks. If you take vitamin A and E together, they can work to protect your lungs against air pollution. You can also take large doses of vitamin C as well, as it is very effective in fighting asthma.

Gingko biloba is effective as well, as it will enhance your breathing and help with your bronchial reactions. Oder-less garlic is another great choice, as it contains an anti-inflammatory agent that will reduce your chances of an attack. Throughout the world of vitamins and supplements, there are many different things that you can take to fight back against asthma.

Anytime that you suspect you may have asthma, you shouldn't hesitate to go to your doctor and be tested for it as soon as possible. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you have it, and how severe it may be. In the meantime, you should avoid known triggers and be sure that you are eating a high protein diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. You should also eat a few meals throughout the day, instead of sticking with the three most common meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As a whole, asthma can be very stressful. There are ways that you can fight back and help to eliminate asthma, which is always great news. If your doctor tells you that you indeed have asthma, you should ask him any questions that come to mind, as well as his advice on what you should and shouldn't do. Even though it may not seem like it at the time, asthma can be prevented, and it doesn't always have to stop you from doing things you love to do. Although it may slow you down - you can always stop it.

How VectorVest Evaluates Stocks

How VectorVest Evaluates Stocks

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Insights on how Vector Vest Works best:
VectorVest is the method you need to have to make Quicker, Smarter, Superior stock market judgments for far better earnings. VectorVest monitors more than 18,300 stocks each day, calculating two measures of value for each stock in our database. The first measure is Value, a measure of a stocks up to date cost. It factors in discounted cash flows, earnings, earnings growth, profitability, inflation and interest rates. The following strategy is termed Relative Value (RV); it identifies a stocks long-term value appreciation prospective.

A stocks value will let you to recognize if a stock is right now below or over-valued. Relative Value (RV) is much more than a simple price to value comparison. It is calculated from an evaluation of predicted value understanding three years out, AAA Corporate Bond Rates, and risk.

RV, RS AND RT Will Offer an individual AN Advantage

First: It Starts with RV rating of 1.00. Anything higher than that is worth looking at. Anything below 1.00 is a red flag. Stocks with ratings greater than 1.00 possess above average understanding possibilities. If it were below average, youd be better off in AAA corporate bonds. Although, this is simply the beginning.

Next: We intend to evaluate Relative Safety (RS). This measure tells you how stable a stock is compared to other investments. Again, if the stock is above 1.00 it's actually safer and a lot more predictable than other stocks. If its risky and unpredictable the rating will be below 1.00.

After that: We evaluate Relative Timing (RT). How does the short-term price performance look? If its price functioning appears high-quality, it obtains a score above 1.00. If it looks risky, it gets a rating below 1.00. If the value trend is flat it just gets a 1.00.

Ratings Proceed FROM 0.00 TO 2.00. It is really THAT Simple

Example of this: If a stocks RS rating is a 1.54 it is more reliable than a stock with an RS rating of 0.97.

Not anyone Worth Stocks like VectorVest. Using VectorVest you can check every stock for RV, RS and RT with just a few clicks. A person can check out low-priced stocks. You can check blue-chips. You could verify entire industries and sectors. It only takes about 20 seconds to check a sector or individual stock and rank them to get clear, and powerful BUY, SELL or HOLD signals. Its amazing.

A person can easily also examine various other guidelines. Like P/E ratios, dividend yields, high earnings growth rates and more.

Vector Vest can easily help a person in protecting your capital and grow your wealth with clear BUY, SELL, HOLD signals.

Here I would say, Vector Vest in the smartest, fastest and easiest to use stock analysis system.

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How Turning Off Your Lights is Helping the Environment

How Turning Off Your Lights is Helping the Environment

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When we talked about helping the environment, we meant the present unhealthy condition of our planet. Talking about how we could help our environment is related to the way we utilize our electricity. Turning off lights is probably the easiest and the most economical way of helping our environment. Let us find out how lighting management could affect our environment.

First of all, let us agree that electric power generation uses non-renewable energy fuel and it pollutes the air we breathe in. Second thing is that the smoke generated from this fossil fuel is one of the major causes of greenhouse effect which in turn increased the temperature of our planet. Examples of burning fuels are natural gas, coal, oil, and gasoline. These fuels raise the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere which is the main contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Such increase in our earth's temperature is enough to alter the balance of nature.

The recent strong typhoons, flash floodings and landslides all over the world are side effects of the melting of huge icebergs from the North and South Pole. These worldwide disasters are caused by the global warming of the earth. We all know that global warming is the increase in both ocean and land temperature. It is about time you and I stop the warming up our planet.

By turning off the lights you can lessen the power demand for electric power generation. The reduction of unnecessary heat from each individual lessens the temperature of the globe. It means also we are reducing the burning of fossil fuel thus limiting the emission of air pollutants to our environment. Using your lights efficiently at home and at the office could also cut your electricity bill.

Non-renewable energy resources as we all know can not be replaced and the faster we consume it, the greater problem we are imposing on the whole world's economy. These non-replaceable energy resources require preservation management plan from every countries in the world. It is a universal responsibility for each and every one of us to help preserve our natural resources.

It is a known fact that utilization of the fossil fuel pollutes the air we breathe in. It is also a threat to you and to your family's health. Scientists from all over the world also believe that the recent strong typhoons and heavy rain falls are due to the increase in temperature of our lands air surface and ocean waters. One way to conserve and to clean our environment is to observe energy-efficiency program. A simple way of turning off lights for one hour a day could mean a day of preserving our fossil fuel for our future generations. Let us save our planet while it is possible.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

How To Write Powerful Letters For Alcoholic Intervention And Alcohol Abuse Help

How To Write Powerful Letters For Alcoholic Intervention And Alcohol Abuse Help

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Key to the success of your alcoholic intervention is preventing this alcohol abuse help from becoming emotionally charged with anger and resentment. The alcoholic feels defensive and edgy and is poised to start arguments, so if someone takes the bait to argue, anger will flare. The fight will dominate the session and destroy its purpose. In prevention, only one person will speak with the addict, answering concerns and objections. Everyone else reads from their intervention letter.

A good intervention letter is an important tool, ensuring that your love and concern for the addict is expressed, the purpose of the session is clear and there is no anger, blame or recrimination. Each person reads from their letter, committing to avoid adding anything else in the alcoholic intervention. This will prevent team members from exploding into impetuous arguments, keeping this event on target.

Begin your letter with authentic expressions of your love for this person. Speak generously from your heart. Detail what you love and cherish about the individual. Identify events when he or she was especially helpful to you, made a difference to you and the times when you have been proud of the person. List the persons beautiful qualities and what you miss about him or her.

The addict will anticipate recriminations at the start of the alcoholic intervention. Hearing about how much he or she is loved and the contribution that he or she has been to you can raise the alcoholics willingness to accept alcohol abuse help.

Next, remove morality - right and wrong - from the situation, shifting it into the medical realm. Express that alcoholism is a disease which requires medical treatment. Acknowledge that it is not about the addicts will power or strength, but a matter of getting treatment for a serious illness. Request the addict to receive professional alcohol abuse help immediately following the alcoholic intervention.

Then list factual examples which illustrate the alcohol problem. These must be your own experiences, not what you heard from others. For example:

Mum, I visited you three times this week to see how you are, and each time, you were drunk by 7pm. Your speech was slurred and anything I did seem to anger you. You yelled and swore at me, calling me offensive names and it hurts me so much! Then the next day, when I brought it up, you have no memory of my visit. I know you love me and dont want to hurt me, but when youve been drinking, how you treat me is intensely painful and shatters me.

Eliminate all blame, recriminations and anger. These sabotage the goal of the addict accepting specialized help during the alcoholic intervention. Address how the addicts behavior makes you feel about yourself rather than blaming the person for your feelings. For example:

Youre nasty, always hurting me when youre drunk will increase the addicts defensiveness. Whereas, When youve been drinking, how you treat me hurts me deeply and makes me feel unwanted addresses the behavior without blaming.

Conclude your letter with love and concern. Express your support of alcoholism recovery, requesting the alcoholic to enter a specific in-patient clinic.

In an alcoholic intervention, when this simple letter format and strong request for receiving alcohol abuse help is repeated by every team member, it has a powerful influence on the alcoholic saying yes.

How to Write Great Blog Posts on Your Therapy Website

How to Write Great Blog Posts on Your Therapy Website

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How to Write Great Blog Posts on Your Therapy Website

Do you want a way to improve your website and make it more interesting to visitors? Are looking for ways to engage with people on a whole new level?

Instead of printing out more flyers and buying more ads, why not focus on writing content of your own to share with people?

Content writing and marketing can help business and professionals from all backgrounds, and that includes therapists. Blog content on your therapy website can improve your overall site traffic, and can even attract new patients.

If you want to know how blogging can help improve your therapy website, read on to learn more.

Blogging For Your Therapy Website

Theres proof that content writing can do wonders for marketing and bringing in new business, but some therapists may not know where to start.

You can blog about almost any topic of your choosing, including something as dense and important as therapy.

Do you want to create great blogs for your therapy website? If you follow this advice, youll see your web traffic and amount of new patients increase.

Think About Your Favorites

As a professional therapist, its safe to assume that you spend time learning about the latest news in your industry. You may have a favorite therapy website of your own that you frequent.

If you want to write great blog content for your website, think about what kinds of content you already enjoy reading.

As a therapist, you know what issues are going to matter the most to your clients. Use your own personal expertise to think about what content you think will resonate the most with readers.

Scan your favorite websites and think about what kinds of headlines and topics interest you the most. From there, you can start thinking of content to post on your own websites blog.

Know Your Audience

If you want to keep your audience engaged, you need to understand what your audience wants.

As a therapist, you could probably speak about a variety of topics related to practice. Feel free to discuss whatever you like, but in general, its a good blogging practice to focus on writing content for a niche.

Think about the kinds of clients you normally see and write content that would appeal to them the most.

If your practice is full of marriage counselors, be sure to write plenty of posts about how to communicate with your spouse and how to properly resolve conflicts.

If you primarily focus on family therapy, fill your blogs with parenting tips and fun things to do together as a family.

As long as you know your audience and keep the focus on them, youll have plenty of loyal blog followers.

Go Beyond Written Posts

Blogs arent just for traditionally written posts. If you want to draw people to your therapy website blog, take time to explore other ways to create content for them to share.

Video content is more popular than ever right now, and you can easily create some to entertain your website visitors.

Record yourself giving a talk on a therapy topic that interests you. Gather a few of your professional friends for an informal roundtable discussion and record the results.

Pictures and other visual elements can enhance your posts, and in some cases can be entire pieces of content themselves.

Infographics are still popular ways to share information. Use a site like Piktochart to create interest infographics on topics that interest your readers.

If you go down the infographic route, be sure to but your logo and short link to your website. That way when it gets shared on social media, people will know who created it.

Consider Your Day To Day

We know that doctor-patient confidentiality is important for therapists. You should never write specifically about patients or use their names, but you can draw on your daily experiences for blog content.

If you had an interesting conversation with a patient about their insecurities at work, you can draw experience from that to write a post about building self-esteem and maintain it in the workplace.

Did you recently talk to someone thats going through a bad divorce? Write a post about dealing with the ending of marriage and how to best care for yourself emotionally.

Have you talked to someone dealing with a lot of stress at home? That conversation can turn into a post about using stress journals to manage their feelings.

Every day youll find new material for a blog post. You just have to think about the best way to use your experiences.

Consider The Times

Content that can be read and relevant at any time of year is great, but you shouldnt forget about the power of time and season-specific posts.

If its winter where you are, consider doing a post on what seasonal affective disorder is and how people can overcome symptoms.

If youre writing posts during the holidays, write a post on how to handle the holiday blues and the best ways to deal with stress.

These posts may be time specific, but theyll be popular search topics around those times.

Keep Presentation In Mind

Your website is going to be the first impression a lot of people have about you, thats why its important to make sure that your therapy website and accompanying blog look professional.

Make sure your pictures are the right size and resolution. Posting blurry pictures or low-quality visuals wont reflect well on the blog.

Its also important to proofread your posts before you post them. Nothing makes someone look more unprofessional than content with a lot of spelling and grammar errors.

Also, keep formatting and the presentation of your posts in mind. Make sure text is properly aligned and that all of your links are working.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to write blogs for your therapy website, you may be interested in learning about other ways digital marketing can help your practice.

Check out our blog post about remarketing and retargeting so you can make sure your PPC ads are working.

And remember, our blog has content about nearly any topic you can think of. Explore it to find posts that matter to you!

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How To Win Any Street Fight Using Prison Fighting!

How To Win Any Street Fight Using Prison Fighting!

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So you might have found yourself getting sick of the routines and customs of traditional martial arts. Worse yet is the fact that many of these so called black belts and instructors don't know how to win any street fight.

However when you learn street fighting from a guy that has been in many street fights you will start to see who really has the skills of enabling you to survive a street attack. Here are some of the techniques and tips you will want to know and use. You probably won't find these techniques in any conventional martial arts so here is a list:

How to win any street fight #1 - If your attacker grabs at your head or puts his hands or arms at face level, by all means don't hesitate to sink your teeth into his flesh. All areas of the body are good for biting. You can really sink your teeth deep into muscle or cause more serious bleeding. Remember this tip and use it.

How to win any street fight #2 - If you are going to try throwing kicks at your opponent, keep them low on the body like the legs only. You can throw side kicks into someones knee cap and snap it, or you can deliver a swift kick to the groin and drop a much larger attacker. If you are being bear hugged you can kick shins and stomp the feet. There are many ways to cause pain to the lower half of your opponents body. That's where your kicks come into play.

How to win any street fight #3 - Take some time to hone self defense techniques that are not rehearsed. Have someone throw you around in an open space in order for you make the scenarios seem more real, and to practice responding to unexpected maneuvers that you will probably face in a real fight.

How to win any street fight #4 - Eye jabs are going to result in a high amount of pain, and are more effective than a punch. If your opponent comes into close combat range then I suggest stab your fingers into his eyes or try ripping them out The person you are fighting will be in extreme pain, and he/she won't be able to see very well, which will help you gain an advantage.

How to win any street fight #5 - Always be aware of weapons being pulled by your attacker. Last night in front of a bar I fought off a man who tried attacking me with a hammer, luckily one of my friends yelled at me he was armed, because I didn't notice before hand. I disarmed him and beat him and left the scene.

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