Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

Can Eliminating Cold Sores Really Be This Simple

Can Eliminating Cold Sores Really Be This Simple

Image source: http://www.beautyheaven.com.au/sites/default/files/article_images/How-to%3A-conceal-a-cold-sore-COMPEED_INSET.jpg

You may be surprised to know that nearly 90% of the world population carries the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. Even more surprising is that nearly 40% of those people do not know it and will never get cold sores.

What is their wonderful secret?

They have developed, either on purpose or by accident, immunity to virus activity. Even if you do carry the virus, what is important is that you keep it from activating. In its normal latent state, it is not doing harm, as we know it right now.

The herpes virus lives and operates in your nerves. When first contracted, it chooses a nearby nerve fiber as its permanent residence. Another outbreak site means you have another colony living there.

What triggers an outbreak attack?

Several things can trigger herpes virus activity. The most well known trigger is stress. Additional triggers include excessive sun exposure, winter weather, poor diet, and lack of exercise. One thing every one of these triggers has in common is that they all contribute to acidifying your body.

Your pH balance is the measure of acid or alkaline in your tissues. On the pH scale of 1 to 14, below 7 is acid (sour) and above 7 is alkaline (sweet). Your body is extremely sensitive to this. Your ideal target is 7.4 on the pH scale, which is slightly alkaline.

How do my pH levels encourage or discourage herpes sores?

Viruses and bacteria prefer an acid environment. They thrive in it because of the low oxygen levels. The more toward acid your tissue is, the less oxygen is present. The more alkaline your tissues are, the greater the oxygen content.

Since the herpes virus lives in your nerves, it has an early warning system and will sense the opportunity immediately.

Those fortunate individuals who are infected, but never get cold sores, have a strong immunity. There may be various good reasons for this, but the most important factor is that they are maintaining an alkaline body. Their tissues are high in oxygen.

You cannot avoid all stress in your life. It is a part of life. It is how we continually grow stronger and more mature.

If you only get an occasional sore, then you are in good shape and only need a slight change in your daily habits. If you get repeated herpes sores, then you need to exert a little more effort. This is key support for any other cold sore remedies.

How do I keep my body alkaline?

Acid-causing habits or foods include smoking, alcoholic drinks, high intake of meat and processed foods. Avoiding these will help you, especially during an attack.

Avoidance of acid-causing food helps, but a positive alkalizing approach is most rewarding.

Flooding your body with calcium is the secret that will truly help you to achieve your alkaline goal.

Calcium is the mineral your body uses to maintain an alkaline, highly oxygenated environment. This is so important to your health that your body will steal calcium from your bones if you do not supply enough from your diet.

For various reasons, as you grow older, your body tends more toward the acid side. The stealing of the bone calcium means weaker bones and such things as osteoporosis for older people.

All you may need is to increase your intake of vegetables.

Food source calcium will absorb 500% better than supplements. It is body ready and contains additional nutrient factors that aid this. Broccoli and asparagus are very good as alkalizer aids.

However, you may also need a supplement, depending on how often or severe your cold sores appear.

Check with a good vitamin store. You would be wise to get a complete, high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement. All these nutrients aid in giving you the highest levels of serum calcium. Most people look for 1000 milligrams per day. You may have to buy an additional calcium supplement too.

An alkaline body is the healthiest individual. Many medical experts have stated that it is very difficult for your body to get sick from any cause when you maintain proper alkalinity.

Give it a try today. It is so easy to accomplish. Make it an integral part of your cold sore treatment plan.

Anyone who gets herpes sores should have a treatment strategy made up of both internal and external cold sore remedies. This is your main internal remedy.

Imagine how great it would be to have an immune system so powerful that your cold sores will now be a thing of the past. When will you start building your own cold sore immunity?

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